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A full year of learning with PYP 1!

Reflecting on a year of teaching PYP 1 has been an enriching experience. Despite the heavier administrative workload, the joy of teaching and witnessing the growth of 6-7-year-old children has been immensely fulfilling. Collaborating with my partner has added another layer of enjoyment to the process.

Throughout the year, we explored various units, each with its central idea and highlights. 

In the "Who We Are" unit, we delved into the concept of respecting others' identities, fostering an understanding of diversity through tasks that encouraged different perspectives. In Visual Art session, students were given a task to indentify their family's characteristics through drawing a family portrait. 

During the "Discovering cultural and local identities fosters a sense of belonging" unit, our city tour of Surabaya and visit to Desa Bongso to see Pura Kerta Bumi provided hands-on experiences that deepened our students' understanding of their own cultures and belonging. They even created puppets of Suro and Boyo to get a deeper understanding of the identity of the city they lived in. 

They even created Damar Kurung lanterns together with a friend to know their cultural heritage. 

At the end of the unit, students created diorama, craft, or event membatik on a cloth to show ways how to preserve our culture. 

In "How the World Works," we learned about life cycles, with a memorable trip to Surabaya Zoo enhancing our students' comprehension of how the environment and human activities influence different stages of life. The art that they students made during this unit was the collaboration with STEAM subject, which was to create 3D Model Butterfly LIfecycle. 

"The design of systems that connect places" unit allowed students to explore the impact of community systems on sustainability. Creating city maps and engaging in inquiry-based classes empowered our students to understand the significance of these systems in their daily lives. Not only learning about the system of each transportation but also they developed their understanding about transportation itself by creating 3D model transportation in collaboration with STEAM. 

The "Sharing the Planet" unit provided opportunities for students to learn about valuing spaces and resources, with guest speakers enlightening them on waste management and the differentiation between natural and man-made resources. The art and craft that they created in this unit is drawing monster trash according to each color and purpose, in collaboration with ISTE students learned to upload and choose movement in the metademolab apps to make animated drawings seem alive. 

Finally, in the "How We Express Ourselves" unit, students explored storytelling through various mediums, including comics, roleplay, and wayang, broadening their perspectives on how ideas can be conveyed and interpreted differently.

Overall, the year has been a journey of exploration, learning, and growth for both the students and myself. Witnessing their enthusiasm and understanding deepen with each unit has reinforced my passion for teaching and the importance of fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment.

If you wish to see some more art and craft tutorials, you can check this link Have fun!


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